Channel for reporting unacceptable circumstances
NOAH has made it possible for all employees and external parties to report any unacceptable circumstances in the company or with the company’s suppliers or business partners in a confidential manner.
All unacceptable circumstances reported of illegal activities or violations of NOAH’s ethical guidelines and policy documents should be taken seriously and be properly investigated. NOAH does not accept any form of reprisals such as dismissal, criticism or similar against anyone who in good faith reports of possible fraud or other violations of NOAH guidelines. Notification of unacceptable circumstances will be treated confidentially and the reporter will be protected according to Norwegian legislation.
Employees can use the channel to report unacceptable circumstances that for various reasons are not suitable for registration in the company’s deviation system. Examples of these are violations of legal requirements, NOAH’s ethical guidelines or policy documents, including corruption and fraud, risk of injury or that lives may be lost, irresponsible working conditions or conditions that are not ethically acceptable.
All unacceptable circumstances reported will be taken seriously and the employees who report in will be looked after by keeping the individual’s identity strictly confidential.
Cases can be reported anonymously by using the following e-mail address:
Why report unacceptable circumstances?
NOAH is a company that fills a very important social and environmental role and we take our social responsibility very seriously. Employees or others who report to us are therefore an important asset to the company. Our ethical guidelines are handled by the board and signed by all the staff and we have corresponding requirements with our suppliers and partners. Setting up a reporting channel for unacceptable circumstances are part of a comprehensive effort to practice our social responsibility and to ensure adherence to our ethical guidelines.
Employees and external parties can report anonymously, but we would like to highlight that further collection of case information then becomes difficult. For this reason, we ask that any anonymous reports provide thorough description of the circumstance. Any notice of unacceptable conditions received through this channel will be treated as confidential informasjon.