

NOAH’s treatment solutions for offshore waste are based on the oil sector’s specific requirements and quality control requirements.

Offshore waste

Examples of waste received for treatment are:

  • Cuttings
  • Polluted demolition waste (after dismantling drilling rigs and platforms)
  • Cutting sludge and drilling liquid
  • Polluted steel constructions and sludge from pipes (contaminated with mercury)
  • Radioactive waste below the threshold (LRA)

These waste fractions are received by cargo ships directly from the waste disposer or collector. The limits for receipt only lie in quantities of hydrocarbons (THC) and total organic carbon (TOC). The components dangerous to the environment are stabilised. Waste with TOC is deposited in their own, separate area when the content for components dangerous to the environment are low. 
Waste that is significantly stable upon receipt and does not require further treatment prior to depositing, is subject to requirements from the waste regulation and the following additional requirements for organic content:

  • Hazardous waste Here the TOC threshold is 1 % TOC. We are working to increase this
  • Ordinary waste: For this fraction, a THC threshold of 2% applies (oil, Tar and other organic pollution substances) and a TOC threshold of 5%.

One of the major customer benefits is NOAH’s ability to receive waste containing significant quantities of inorganic toxins dangerous to the environment.  The receipt capacity is also big. Langøya is centrally located in the Oslo Fjord, which means easy access by boat direct from the offshore base.

Inorganic waste

Treatment solutions on Langøya are solid and flexible. This enables reception of a wide range of solid and liquid inorganic hazardous waste.

Our chemicals and laboratory staff are skilled in choosing treatment solutions, even for complex waste fractions such as laboratory chemicals and hazardous waste of unknown origin and composition.

NOAH has a permit from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority for the receipt of radioactive waste under the exemption levels stated in the Radiation Protection Regulations.

The miscellaneous category includes deliveries from collecting apparatus and smaller industrial companies such as:

  • Residual fractions from vacuum steaming of liquid waste
  • Chalk, cement, road salt, caustic soda
  • Metal hydroxide sludge
  • Various unsorted goods from faulty production, storage etc.
  • Additives that cannot be re-used in production or in any other way used industrially
  • Slag and sludge from chemical purification plants
  • Cyanides
  • Active charcoal sewage
  • Blown sand
  • Lithium and small batteries that cannot be recycled

Receipt of the miscellaneous category’s hazardous waste includes fixed and liquid fractions from industry, municipalities, collectors and public institutions.